Welcome long summer nights, welcome creativity, and welcome freedom.
There is so much to consider in the month of June and I wanted to personally invite you to think outside the box this month. Thoughts of empathy, gratitude, and recognition ooze from my mind to my finger tips as I celebrate the heroic trailblazing LGBTQ+ community.

Photo Credit: LOVELYFABRICTR on Etsy, Feb 2023
While some people don’t approve of their lyfe style, these pioneers have found the courage to live their truest authentic lives while blazing the trail for others to feel free in their own skin. When I think of the words courageous and selfless, Chris Rhoades CEO of Next Level Talent Agency, comes to mind. In April, he and the neighborhood took on the city officials of West Palm Beach in efforts to save a community event that reigned on Clematis Block 500 for 3 years.

Photo Credit: Instagram @abfabstylepb, 2023
Not only did this event showcase the amazing artistry and talents of Drag Artist, it also gave entrepreneurs the opportunity to sell their unique hand designed products to the world. Unfortunately, they lost this round, but I believe the battle isn’t over. Insecurities, pride, and tradition was the demise of this community’s gathering. The people that made such decisions can barely stand the sight of themselves in the mirror because they haven’t faced the skeletons in their own closets, but I believe unity will prevail.
For many families effected, this month shines light on a hard topic to discuss, but it’s definitely something we must come together on for the safety and future of the next generation. June is Gun Violence Awareness Month. Not only must we fight for truer blues for all communities, but we must unify as one people to keep our country safe. We also must educate ourselves on why gun control is imperative and truly figure out what is important to us individually as well as a country.

Photo Credit: Adams, Merriweather Host Gun Violence Event Flyer, June 2022
I’m sure you’re wondering what “truer blues” mean. Truer blues are upstanding ethical police officers that carry out their promise to protect and serve not only property but ALL the people of this country.
Aderrien Murry, a 11 year old young boy, was shot in the chest in Mississippi for following the instructions from the man that was called to protect and serve his family, a police officer. Kaylin Gillis, a 20 year old young female, was fatally shot because she drove into the wrong drive way. Guns in the wrong hands of any hateful fearing man or woman can change the trajectory of our children’s lives. Ask yourself how many ideas, cures to diseases, and inventions, that could change the world, are being sent six feet under due to senseless acts of gun violence? We as the human race must rise up together for a change. No one cares if you’re a democrat or republican if someone you love gets killed aimlessly by the hands of a wicked person. We need gun law reformation for civilians to law enforcement officials.

(AP Photo / Charles Rex Arbogast) Associated Press | August 19, 2021
Lastly, June 19th aka Juneteenth is the true date of Emancipation for every black and brown people of this beautiful country. Yes, my ancestors built these beautiful states on their backs for free. Yet, I’m truly grateful for every sacrifice they made, every lashing their backs received, and every field of cotton they picked to keep our legacy alive. Because of them, I am living proof that out of turmoil and suffering brings great triumph and victory.

Now, if you stayed and read this whole blog, I commend you.
Yes, I am a singer/songwriter. However, I’ve always enjoyed the simplicity of writing. Since I was a young girl, writing was always my escape from the many quiet days of being abandoned or ignored. It helped me understand my emotions and allowed a freedom from thoughts, that speaking sometimes from the heart, just does’t allow.
With writing, you have the time to evaluate why your thoughts have compiled themselves in one corner of your brain to aligning it in plain sight. You know the who’s, what’s, when’s, and where’s about why you are so passionate about something. Whereas the power of words that are spoken in haste can bring hurt, because hurt people, hurt people; confusion, because you didn’t mean it that way, and disappointments because, “I thought you respected me more than the words you just spewed.”
If you’re wondering what my schedule is looking like this month . . . well guys and dolls, it’s slim, but I’m grateful. I believe this is the calm before the storm of greatness. In order to get things you’ve never gotten and go places you’ve never seen, you have to close doors and let go of the familiar. There are so many amazing things working behind the scenes and I can’t wait to share it with you all. So in the mean time be patient with me and know the best is yet to come!
Until then, I implore you to live your life boldly, activate your creativity to change someones life, and live your freedom experience to the fullest.
Much Love,
